PDX Summer Camp List

A Searchable, Categorized List of Summer Camps in Portland, Oregon

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Herrold Stables Riding Camp



Half day only

Ages 3-12: Enjoy grooming, riding horses and ponies, and petting chickens, ducks, and rabbits.  Enjoy relay races, and other horse games on foot.

Ages 8-16: Each camp will focus on different skills. Come to one or all this summer.  No previous horse experience needed. However, the experienced rider will be challenged to improve their skills daily. Horsemanship, and horse care covered daily. Student will be taught how to walk, trot, and canter on horseback as abilities allow. Both English and Western saddle accessible daily. Will be covering several riding disciplines such as beginning jumping, gaming, obstacle trail, and much more. 

Location: Hillsboro, OR

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