Tag: cross country
St. Mary’s Academy Summer Program
https://www.stmaryspdx.org/beyond-the-classroom/summerprogram Indoors Girls Only St. Mary’s Academy camps are filled with adventures, hands-on activities, and a variety of fun games to pique every girl’s interests. Current SMA students serve as camp counselors, facilitating valuable learning experiences and mentoring campers. Themes include sports, arts, cooking, crafts, rock band, game design, etc. Sports camps: basketball, cross country,…
Nike Cross Country Camp
https://www.ussportscamps.com/cross-country/nike/nike-cross-country-camp-rose-city Skills learned include proper and efficient running form, strength and body weight workouts, nutrition, life-skills, clinics on mental toughness and the joy of running. Camp also offers lots of fun activities for all. This camp will help your son or daughter develop as a runner while gaining self-confidence and making new friends. Overnight camp…
Ultimook Running Camp
https://ultimookrunningcamp.oregoncoastalflowers.com Outdoors Our mission is to develop long distance runners in both mind and body. We offer a REAL cross country experience with a unique mixture of beautiful runs, great training, knowledgeable speakers, and team building challenges. Ages: 12-18 Location: Tillamook, OR (Oregon Coast) Add a comment with your experience!