PDX Summer Camp List

A Searchable, Categorized List of Summer Camps in Portland, Oregon

Questions, corrections, additions? Email me: pdxsummercamplist at gmail dot com

Tag: waldorf

  • Portland Waldorf Summer Camp

    https://www.portlandwaldorf.org/camps Indoors and outdoors Spring Break camp available Our Summer Program will take place here on our beautiful Portland Waldorf School campus where there is plenty of shade and river breezes, and lots of spring water to cool us down! Camp days hold a familiar Waldorf school rhythm of in-breath and out-breath, including rests and…

  • Cedarwood Waldorf School Summer Camps

    https://www.cedarwoodschool.org/break-summer-camps Indoors and Outdoors Cedarwood’s camps are filled with crafting, storytelling, outdoor adventure, and plenty of time for play as campers explore the season of summer together. Location: Portland, OR Ages PreK-8th grade Students not currently enrolled at Cedarwood are welcome to register for summer camp, with the exception of three-year-olds who did not attend…